by Daisy Soo Hoo – Club Correspondent


A field of 48 18ers participated in the annual Halloween Bash on October 25.  Members had festive hats and many wore orange and black outfits.
The game was two best net balls with an orange ball rotating among the group.  The person with the orange ball counted as one of the best balls.  A lost orange ball disqualified the team.  This year five groups lost their orange ball.
The group gathered in the Club Room at Creekside for lunch.  A general meeting was held during lunch.  Teddi Swanson discussed the pros and cons of removing Section 5 from the 18ers By-Laws, and club members voted unanimously to remove the section which will result in allowing 18ers to join the Niners club and Niners are allowed to join the 18er club.  Myra Belfiore reminded members that 2019 membership fees are due by November 30. Marian Handy reported that all groups stayed in budget for the year.  Joyce McCann advised that there will be many changes in the USGA rules next year.  A rules seminar will be presented on February 25.  Del Poirier announced that the Holiday lunch is scheduled for December 6.
Golf pros Mark Heptig and Wayne Weckerlin judged the various festive hats and selected the following:  Jacky Dunn for first place and Claudia Terry for second place.

The following are results for the orange ball bash:  Carole Geoghegan, Garnet Shelly, Peggy Yamada and Yuko Tsang had the overall best score of 125.  First flight winners:  first place Teddi Swanson, Joan Weinstein, Marian Handy & Joyce McCann 135; second place Claudia Terry, Gail Ramirez, Margo Dutton & Lynda Pritchett 136.  Second flight winners:  first place Daisy Soo Hoo, Linda Ingalls, Mary Ann Higgins and Toni Snyder 130, second place Aisoon Hong, Jane Lee, Juna Lee and Nancy Park 135.

A chip-in was made by Garnet Shelly on hole number 15.  Birdies were made by Daisy Soo Hoo and Claudia Terry on hole 9, Joanne Brennan on hole 13, Linda Ingalls and Toni Snyder on hole number 16.
The 18ers thank Mark and Wayne for organizing the groups,  scorecards and tabulation and a special thanks to Marcia Belcher for organizing the delicious lunch and decorations.