by Claudia Terry – Club Correspondent

On Thursday, March 7, 50 courageous souls checked in at the registration desk to play in the Women’s 18ers first tournament of the 2024 season, a Gross and Net Individual Stroke Play event. Not all foursomes finished the round as the conditions were still quite unfriendly with mud puddles and tall, wet grass left unmown in the rough after weeks of rainy weather. Many balls were lost and many strokes were accumulated as players made their way to each green. Still, 42 18ers turned in their scorecards at the end of the round to Jacque Vigil in the pro shop who tabulated the results as follows:

The first flight low gross winner was Karla Witte.

First place low net went to Joanne Kim, second place to Sunhi Kim and third place to Claudia Terry.

The second flight low gross winner was Sophia Kim.

First low net went to Cindy Sonstelie, second to Agnes Shin and third to Jane Lee.

The third flight low gross winner was Ki Hee Lee.

First low net went to Lana Yagle, second to Marsha Jennings and third to Nancy Park.

The fourth flight low gross winner was Sarah Ko.

First low net went to Audrey Szutu, second to Anna Kim and third to Teddi Swanson.

Birdies were shot by Sarah Ko on Hole 10, Lauralee Barbaria on Hole 13 and Sue Yoon on Hole14.

Chip-ins were shot by Marlene Seffern, Lauralee Barbaria, Joan Binnings and Sue Yoon.

On Thursday, March 21st, the game will be the first of the Charm Day/Eclectic tournaments, a multi-day tradition every year where players compete in six rounds throughout the season for low net scores, culminating in a Charm Playoff at the end of the season between the winners each respective Charm Day. For the Eclectic, the lowest score for each of the 18 holes played over the six rounds are combined to come up with the best overall net 18-hole score to determine the Eclectic winner.

On March 28, the annual Spring Fling tournament will be held with foursomes comprised of two 18ers and two Niners. This year the “Fiesta de la Primavera” will be hosted by the 18ers and will cost $40 to cover golf, lunch, and prizes (green fee and cart not included). There will be a Mexican buffet and a fashion show at the Event Center after golf. A raffle will be held and players are encouraged to bring spare cash to purchase raffle tickets for a chance to win various prizes. Members may sign up for lunch/fashion show only for a fee of $30. Registration closes on March 21. Participants may sign up as a single or a twosome and the pro shop will arrange foursomes with two Niners and two 18ers in each group.

The 18ers would like to thank Rebecca Palermo with Berkshire Hathaway (and a Niner member) who will be donating goodie bags for the event.

Contact Daisy Soo Hoo at (510) 813-9231 or or Mirna Wong at (510) 708-9762 or for more information.