The Rossmoor Team Match Play (12 Man) squad hosted the players from the Sequoyah Country Club on Aug 5th. It was a warm summer afternoon in our valley and the team gave it a fine effort on our home course. Rossmoor won but the Sequoyah team put up a strong effort in trying to defeat us in their effort to catch Moraga. The final results for the day were Rossmoor 20 – Sequoyah 16.
Participants were Terry Dawkins, Brent Atkins, Curtis Mitchell, Tom Snyder, Mike Oakey, John Endicott, Bart Moore, John McDonnell Won Woo, Jim Pingatore, Rich Jones, and John Weyand.
Individual match point winners were: Terry Dawkins, Tom Snyder, John McDonnell, Won Woo and Jim Pingatore for 12 points.
Team match point winners were: Terry Dawkins/Brent Atkins, Curtis Mitchell/Tom Snyder, Mike Oakey/John Endicott, Bart Moore/John McDonnell and Won Woo/Jim Pingatore for 8 points.
Our final match of the season is when we travel to Moraga on Aug 15th.