Hi All
Yesterday gave me the opportunity to, once again, realize what a great bunch of folks there are here in Rossmoor. From early in the evening on Friday night to 24 hours latter we accomplished something that is truly amazing.

My wife, Marilyn, saw a news report about the Monument Crisis Center running out of food due to the overwhelming number of people needing assistance. The report stated that there were several times the normal numbers since Covid 19. She came to me and we decided that something had to be done. I spoke with Pat Iacullo who sent out a post on email discussing the need for help and that Marilyn and I would pick up whatever items and checks would be made available.

The response to that email was unbelievable. Early in the day the emails from you all started coming in. There were probably 25 responses. We told everyone that we would be leaving in mid afternoon to pick up their donations. We arrived home around 5:00 with our SUV’s back filled with groceries and cash and checks totalling $2100. Also, there were several people who donated directly to the Center.

That being said, this pandemic is going to continue. We are a community of people who are blessed and resting comfortably in our beautiful homes. If you can find it in your hearts to reach out to your friends to participate in this activity, please let us know and we’ll continue to pick up non perishable food items and checks made to Monument Crisis Center as the future dictated If the car fills up, we’ll start filling up our other car. The donations will be taken to the Center tomorrow morning at 9:00.

I want to thank you for all you help. I hope that we can continue to pass your generosity forward. Y’all are blessings as you sit in your home.

Mark and Marilyn Weiss