GOLF SHOP NEWS by Mark Heptig

I want to thank the golf community for coming together and realizing how serious the coronavirus outbreak has become. I have answered numerous emails and phone calls with almost everyone understanding the gravity of the situation and being supportive. Little did we all know just two weeks ago what would transpire. It has changed the landscape of every part of society and between the “shelter in place” and the six-foot distancing, it is a different world. Things that we have taken for granted for years are now questionable occurrences. No going out for dinner, no gathering at the local watering hole, no dinner parties with friends. No golf in Rossmoor!
It is true that some courses in the state have remained open…sort of. Serving on the Northern California PGA Board of Directors has given me a direct line into information when it come to golf. On a recent conference call with 20 PGA Professionals most said they were closed. The few that are open are operating without food service most of the time and many courses have removed carts, flagsticks and even rakes from bunkers because the virus can last for hours on surfaces that we can’t control. There are many reasons Rossmoor will remain closed until this pandemic is over and YOU as a golfer should not be on any part of the golf courses.
• One, Rossmoor is the possible epicenter of a catastrophe because of our average age. The population could be overrun by the disease if we don’t take the steps that the National, State and local authorities have made clear must be adhered to at this time.
• Second, taking golf out of the equations allows ALL the residents to use the walking paths for needed exercise (walking, hiking, jogging and biking are permissible with the six-foot distancing). There are nearly 10,000 residents in Rossmoor now homebound. Offering them a refuse from all the pressures is the least we can do as a golf community.
• Third, the golf course staff is continuing to work. The staff is maintaining this beautiful asset so it will be ready when we are able to play. We have ramped up our spring maintenance by aerating, fertilizing and conditioning. All the greens should get aerated and sanded this week. So, please stay out of our way! Let the staff have this time to do their work. Don’t be one of those who sets a poor example. Be a leader, set the right tone and remember this is bigger than any one person.
Rest assured we will be open as soon as possible! We understand this is difficult and sometimes hard to understand. But, if we all do our part, we can get through this and maybe be a more compassionate, sympathetic, considerate society…thankful for what we have. A beautiful place to live and play!
Stay safe and healthy, Mark Heptig, Director of Golf.