The GRF Board of Directors will be meeting Monday, May 11th at 9:30AM. One of the topics for further discussion and review is the allowing of Walkers on the golf courses.
Your RMGC Board of Directors has heard from many of you regarding this subject. We have perceived your general consensus to be that Walkers should not be permitted to continue to practice with the re-opening of the courses for play. Additionally, increased Walker access to the courses does not appear to be supported.
The Board has presented the Club’s ‘stance’ on this matter to the GRF Board of Directors for their consideration.
Direct input to the GRF Board of Directors, from you as residents and members of the RMGC, is still the most effective manner to communicate your individual feelings about this subject.
Each of you is encouraged to write to the GRF Board expressing your desires on how this subject should be resolved. The GRF Board may be reached by email at
Alternatively, each of you is encouraged to address the GRF Board by speaking during the Residents Forum portion of the meeting via the ZOOM video conferencing capability provided. The instructions for joining the meeting are included in the May 6th edition of the Rossmoor News or clicking on the enclosed link just prior to the meeting . You will need the supplied password to join the:
Password: 992012
Time is short and your input counts. Rumor has it many Walkers are using the Board meeting as their chance to voice their thoughts. Now is time to voice your opinion.
Brent Atkins, 2020 RMGC President