RMGC Members, 18’ers, 9’ers, Happy Hackers, Rossmoor Golfers

It seems like just a minutes ago we went through a panic moment where it looked like we were in danger of losing our golf courses to the wishes of Walkers. As a golf club, the RMGC took a position of protest by generating a “position” paper which we delivered to our GAC for official delivery to the GRF Board. We mounted a strong vocal objection via the Rossmoor News ‘letters to the editor’, calls/emails to the Rossmoor staff and our GRF Board, and general griping to anyone that would listen. At the last GRF Board meeting many of us participated in the Residents Forum where we voiced our opposition to the loss of access; presented our personal version of how the golf courses enhances value for each Resident and directly contributed to the economic welfare of the community. I spoke on behalf of our club and the many comments supplied by you, the Members, framed the body of my words.

The GRF Board listened to us. It was clear from their discussions that the revenue the golfers spend to enjoy our pastime was a critical portion of income for our community. While the GRF Board did expand the time available for the Walkers to enjoy the Creekside course they clearly took the position that the expansion of time was considered temporary. I found no reason to doubt to Boards words or sincerity.

The recent email from Mark, our Director of Golf, identified the Walkers have not been satisfied and clearly reminded us that we cannot rest on our laurels. Personally, I don’t understand their objective. During the last GRF Board meeting the revenue numbers were discussed. I was stunned at the volume of revenue generated in the afternoon hours by the Creekside course. The original loss of 2 hours per day on Creekside is costing thousands of dollars per month in lost revenue. The increased loss of 2 more hours per day on Creekside will now result in significantly more additional lost revenue.

The GRF Board directed staff to refine the revenue loss projections based the additional lost time; clearly identify the usage of the Creekside course by the non-golfers; and, monitor for the reported ‘lack of respect’ the Walkers have reportedly been displaying while on (both) the golf courses. This new information is to be presented to the Board at their regular June meeting.

So, what can Golfers do?

Adhere to and expand upon Mark’s advice. Write to the Rossmoor News and sound off! Write to the GRF Board directly to voice your feelings regarding the loss of access situation, to remind them of our passion for the game and to demand the revenue losses be minimized by restoring full access to the courses.

I personally see no value received in communicating with staff in this matter. Staff does not set policy. It reduces their time available to work their day-to-day responsibilities because they will respond to each contact from us. Their replies are factual and non-condescending. The perceived bluntness has agitated some writers because they wisely resist ‘taking a side’ in this matter.

The Rossmoor News: news@rossmoor.com  The GRF Board: GRB@rossmoor.com

I recommend your words be sincere and to the point, yet civil in tone.


Brent Atkins – 2020 RMGC President