Beginning about 10 years ago, at the urging of one of our longtime RMGC member, Frank Quallen, several of our club members would rise early and go directly to the Pro Shop. There, carts were lined up for tournaments that always included guests. The guys would go to the parking lot, welcome our guests, grab their golf bags and more often than not take the guest to the staging area for the tournament. This was done not only for RMGC, but also the lady’s tournaments over the year.

Well, our longtime friend Frank has left us, may he Rest in Peace. It is now our responsibility to keep the Ambassador group up and running. Many of our members have participated in the group and actually have a great time meeting people and helping out. For all their work and time (often they aren’t even playing in the tournament) they receive breakfast.

Richard Fuller is now the point person for the Ambassadors group. RMGC encourages you to give us a call and let us know if you’d like to participate by emailing Rich at 4rfuller@gmail.com.

I’d like to talk a bit about Frank Quallen, otherwise known as “Frank the Bank”. Over my 9 years here in Rossmoor, Frank always participated in Snafu (our Saturday morning group of 40 guys playing a 2 best ball format), him often being a part of the winning foursome. Frank was always a participant in all that RMGC provided as well as the Home and Home and Away tournaments. Frank moved to Rossmoor many years ago. Prior to becoming a Rossmoorian, Frank and his wife Jane were in the Marines and they spent a good part of his career stationed in Hawaii. I understand that Jane was present in 1941 during the attack on Pearl Harbor. It was always a pleasure to see Frank’s cart with a beautiful Marine medallion in the parking lot at the Pro Shop. His love for Jane was ever so evident. When he was still playing in Snafu, he would look to see Jane on the balcony of their home on Rossmoor Parkway waving at him. When this occurred, he knew she was doing well. Over the last several years, Jane became increasing ill. Instead of playing 18 holes, he would get up very early, play a few holes and get back to his home by the time Jane would get out of bed. His dedication to Jane was a constant.

I believe that Frank should be recognized and his life celebrated due to his caring for his family and all of us who knew him. He was a delight and a pleasure to know.