Article I    Name

The name of this organization shall be the Rossmoor Happy Hackers Golf Club, and shall operate as a non-profit organization in conjunction with the Rossmoor Golf Club, Inc.

Article II   Purpose

The purpose of this organization is to promote a means by which beginning players, and all other golfers who wish to join, may improve their game, and in doing so, have fun and enjoy good fellowship.

Article III   Membership and Dues

Section 1. Membership shall consist of individual Rossmoor residents who have made application and paid the annual dues.

Section 2. Annual dues, in the amount determined by the Board of Directors, shall be due and payable on November 1 for the following year. Dues paid after August 1 of the year will be one half of the annual dues for the remainder of that year. Full dues paid after October 1 will allow the member to participate in the October Scramble and the annual meeting and dinner in November and will be considered dues for the following year.

Section 3. The fiscal year of the Club shall be from January 1st through December 31st.

Article   IV Board of Directors

Section 1. The governing board of the Rossmoor Happy Hackers Golf Club shall be the Board of Directors, who shall have the power to conduct, manage and administer the club’s affairs. The Board shall have full authority to expend the funds of the club for purposes it may deem appropriate and which are consistent with these by-laws.

Section 2. The Board of Directors shall be composed of at least nine members of the Club: the four officers (President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary) and the chairs of the standing committees.

Section 2.1 If Co-Chairs are appointed by the President, the Co-Chair may serve as an alternate member of the Board of Directors during the absence of the respective committee chair.

Section 3. The Board of Directors shall meet at least once a quarter. Five persons shall constitute a quorum, provided at least two are officers. Additional meetings may be called by the President, with notice in advance to all members of the Board.

Section 4. The members of the Board shall serve for a term of one year, commencing January 1st. No elected officer may hold the same office more than two consecutive years.

Section 5. If a vacancy should occur in the office of the President, the Vice President shall succeed to the office. If any other office shall become vacant, the Board shall elect a successor to fill the unexpired term.

Section 6. Failure to effectually perform their duties or to attend Board meetings may result in a request for resignation by the board, and, if deemed necessary, the Board may declare the office vacant.

Article V   Duties of Officers

Section 1. President

a. Serves as Chair of the Board of Directors and presides at all regular or special meetings.
b. Appoints Chairs (and Co-Chairs if desired) of the standing committees and any ad-hoc committees.
c. Serves as an ex-officio member of all committees, with the exception of the Nominating Committee.
d. Provides coordination and liaison with the Head Golf Pro
e. Is authorized to make room reservations.

Section 2. Vice President
a. Acts as assistant to the President and assumes the duties of President in the President’s absence.
b. Supervises the club’s website (
C. Acts as Parliamentarian at Board Meetings and the Club’s Annual Meeting.
d. Is authorized to make room reservations.

Section 3. Treasurer
a. Manages the checking account and pays Club bills (checks require Treasurer or President signature).
b. Develops an annual budget and reports expenses against that budget
c. Is authorized to make deposits and pay invoices
d. Archives bank statements
e. Passes financial records on to next Treasurer.

Section 4. Secretary
a. Calls the roll at the Board meeting
b. Reviews minutes from the previous meeting and seeks approval
c. Records each motion offered together with who advanced the motion and seconded it and the results of the vote (passed or not passed)
d. Emails draft meeting minutes to the Board shortly after the meeting
e. Maintains historical data, including minutes, and passes the data on to the next Secretary.

Article VI. Duties of Standing Committee Chairs

Section 1. Membership Committee Chair
a. Accepts applications and dues from new members.
b. Emails notices of new and renewing members to the Pro Shop, the Scrambles Chair, and the Treasurer.
b. Contacts/Emails new members, welcomes them and provides rosters to them.
c. Mails notices of dues to members and turns receipts over to the Treasurer.
d. Publishes roster at least once a year and emails to all Members
e. Maintains a current worklist of all paid members.

Section 2. Publicity Committee Chair
a. Covers all activities of the Club, writes the articles for the Rossmoor News, including photographs.
b. Assists the Vice President in website maintenance.

Section 3. Golf Advisory Committee Representative
a. Attends the monthly Golf Advisory Committee (GAC)
b. Reports GAC proceedings at the Happy Hackers Board meeting

Section 4. Social Committee Chair
a. Arranges for Social events and activities of the Club that are approved by the Board of Directors.
b. Reserves rooms needed for Club Events, after the yearly calendar has been set by the Board.
c. Contacts Rossmoor Recreation Dept. to reserve rooms at 925-988-7766.
d. Negotiate with the caterer menus for the year.
e. Orders tables and chairs from the Rossmoor Recreation Dept. a week before the event.
f. Advises caterer of final number of dinner guests 4 days before the event.
g. Provides decorations and table snacks (appetizers) with funds set by the Board in the annual Club budget.
h. Determines schedule of events for the coming year.

Section 5. Scrambles Chair
a. Arranges for golf tournaments of the club that are approved by the Board of Directors.
b. Works closely with the Pro Shop to plan golf tournaments. The Pros will create the teams, make and score the scorecards and provide the results (score and placement and prizes).
c. Collects entry fees and turns them over to the Treasurer

Section 6. Golf Clinic Chair
a. Arranges for golf clinics that are approved by the Board of Directors.
b. Works closely with the Pro Shop to plan golf tournaments.
c. Collects entry fees and turns them over to the Treasurer.

Article VII Meetings

Section 1. A general membership meeting shall be held each year in November; the specific date of the meeting shall be at the discretion of the Board. Members shall be notified in the Rossmoor News in the two issues preceding the meeting.

Section 2. Twenty percent of the membership shall constitute a quorum.

Section 3. The annual general membership meeting shall include:
a. An annual report by designated officers and standing committee chairs, including a financial report by the Treasurer.
b. The Board of Directors, serving as an audit committee, shall review the annual report of the Treasurer, and any transactions deemed necessary, before presentation of the report to the membership.
c. The report of the Nominating Committee and election of officers for the coming year.
d. Any pending business, including changes to the By-Laws.

Section 4. Special meetings of the General Membership may be called at the discretion of the Board or at the request of at least twenty (20) percent of the membership of the Club.

Article VIII Nomination, Elections, and Installation of Officers.

Section 1. There shall be an ad-hoc Nominating Committee of five members, exclusive of the Board, to be appointed by the Board at least one month prior to the annual membership meeting. The Nominating Committee Chair shall be appointed by the President from among those members selected by the Board.

Section 2. The Nominating Committee shall prepare a slate with one name for each of the four officers and post this on the Club Bulletin Board at least two weeks before the annual general meeting.

Section 3. The election of officers shall take place at the annual general membership meeting. Additional nominations may be made from the floor provided the consent of the nominee has been obtained prior to the nomination. If more than one Candidate has been nominated, election will be by secret ballot. If only one candidate, election may be by voice vote. A majority vote shall elect.

Article IX Amendments to the By-Laws

Section 1. Any proposed amendments to the By-Laws shall be submitted in writing to the Board of Directors for recommendation to the membership.

Section 2. The proposed amendments must be posted on the Club Bulletin Board at least one month prior to the date of the next annual general membership meeting.

Section 3. Amendments to the By-Laws will be by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members present and voting at a general membership meeting.

Article X Parliamentary Procedure

Roberts Rules of Order Revised shall govern whenever applicable.

Revision of October, 2022