Lone Ranger Event, Wed June 2

4 man 2 Best Ball….. With a Twist


On each hole one player is assigned to be the Lone Ranger.You must count the lone rangers ball as one of your 2 Best Balls on each hole. On the 1st hole the player in first positon on the scorecard is the lone ranger; on the second hole the second guy on the scorcard is the lone ranger.

3rd hole third Guy on card is lone Ranger ; 4th hole 4th Guy on card is lone ranger. Keep repeating this cycle through 16 holes. On 17-18 You may pick your lone Ranger from anyone on your team but they must be Must be two differant guys.

If Only 3 Players on your team repeat cycle above but may pick lone ranger on 16-18 holes.

On the Nine hole Event Repeat Cycle above twice And Pick lone Ranger

on the 9th hole.

Build your own teams of 1-2 or 3 players. Pick your Tees and course.

Click link to Register: https://www.golfgenius.com/ggid/nzckpq