by Claudia Terry – Club Correspondent

The second of six Charm/Eclectic tournaments took place for the Rossmoor Women’s 18ers on Thursday, May 9.  There were 55 players grouped into four flights and the weather was perfect for golf.

Each flight had four prizes for low net.

The winners are: First flight low net first place, Daisy Soo Hoo with 72; second place, Sunhi Kim with 75; third place, Theresa Kim also with 75, and fourth place, Min Ryoo with a score of 76.

Second flight low net first place, Okey Ro with 75; second place, Agnes Shin also with 75; third place, Barbara Musante with 76, and fourth place, Laura Kim with a score of 77.

The third flight is where the overall winner of the day emerged, Char O’Neil, with spectacular low net score of 67. Second place, Soonee Kim also with 71; third place, Xuemei Reinhart with 72, and fourth place, Linda Ingalls also with a score of 72.

Fourth flight low net first place, Lee Shaffer with 72; second place, Sarah Ko with 73; third place, MaryJean Kidd with 76; and fourth place, Robin Moreau also with 76.

Chip-ins were shot by Soonee Kim on Hole 4, Linda Ingalls on Hole 12 and Sherry Endicott on Hole 18.

Birdies were shot by Juna Lee and Judy Leckonby on Hole 2, Soonee Kim on Hole 4, Theresa Kim and Nancy Park on Hole 15.

Congratulations to O’Neil for winning the second Charm of the season.