by Daisy Soo Hoo – Club Correspondent
On September 13, the final day of the 18er’s fifty-four hole club championship, Joyce McCann emerged as the winner with a low gross score of 247. McCann was last year’s Club Champion and her name will be engraved again on the perpetual Championship trophy. Claudia Terry was the runner up in the championship flight with a low gross score of 259.
Following the matches the ladies gathered in the Creekside Club Room for lunch and awards presentation. Chris Andres, Apprentice Golf Professional, announced the results:
First flight:
Grace Nitta low gross 265, Olivia Hsueh low gross 270, Joanne Kim low net 214
Second flight:
Agnes Shin low gross 283, Nancy Groswird low gross 292, Jane Lee low net 220
Third flight:
Robin Moreau low gross 315, Shin Kim low gross 318, Joanne Brennan low net 221
Payouts are as follows:
Champion $100, runner-up $60, first low gross $25, second low gross $15 and low net $10.
Special thanks to Claudia Terry and her handicap committee of Janice Davis, Peggy Yamada, Margo Dutton, Pil Choo; Mark Heptig, Wayne Weckerlin and Chris Andres for all their planning and efforts. Appreciation extended to Joyce McCann, Janice Davis and Chris Andres as the rules committee for the tournament and Del Poirier for organizing the cake, refreshments and flowers.
Congratulations to the 18ers for their participation in this challenging three day event.