On Monday, December 10th at 10AM, President Fred Sun, Treasurer Dick Walsh and Communications Director Jack Meng presented a check for $2000 to Donna Reynolds, who accepted the check on behalf of the Rossmoor Fund. Unfortunately, President Elect Pat Iacullo was not able to attend the presentation due to a much-needed vacation.

The Rossmoor Men’s Golf Club had held its final 2018 board of directors meeting on Dec 3, 2018. The Treasurer’s final report for 2018 showed a surplus of funds after all expenses had been met for the year. Since the RMGC is a nonprofit organization it was decided to donate the surplus funds. President Fred Sun and President Elect for 2019 Pat Iacullo recommended to the board that a donation of $2000 be made to the Rossmoor Fund. The following motion to donate the funds to the Rossmoor Fund was unanimously approved.