• Improve turf density on several fairways and approaches on the Dollar Ranch Golf Course. Using turf from other areas and seeding in hybrid Bermuda.
• Bunker renovations at #1, #17, #10 and finishing #2.
• Drainage improvements on the driving range.
• Fix the drainage/flood problem on #3 Creekside to avoid problems in the parking lot at Gateway. Three step process.
• Reduce water usage b expanding mulch areas at #9/#13 and #11/#12 Dollar Ranch Golf Course.
• Complete $40,000 in cart path repairs on Dollar Ranch Golf Course.
• Rebuild the #9 green on Dollar Ranch Golf Course.

List for 2019
• Complete plans for rebuild of the #14 hole on the Dollar Ranch Golf Course.
• Rebuild the #17 tee Dollar Ranch Golf Course in the fall.
• Improve the #16 tee Dollar Ranch Golf Course and add a new blue tee.
• Complete study and present results/proposal for the water reclamation facility to the Golden Rain Board.
• Continue bunker renovations on #15, #16 Dollar Ranch and #2 Creekside.
• Improve turf density, projects include #6 Creekside, #1- and #2-Dollar Ranch. Also, drain work on driving range and #8 Dollar (near tee aera).
• Mulch the greenside hillside #3 Dollar Ranch Golf Course and remove drop zones. Mulch and cobbles back of #18 and add trees.
• Maintain cleaner lake.
• New tee signs on Dollar Ranch.
• Add trees to #7/#15 rough, #9 left side, #5 left on Dollar and #2 and #8 Creekside.
• Continue researching new POS systems that would include an on-line tee reservation system.