By Daisy Soo Hoo – Club Correspondent
A field of fifty one 18ers participated in the annual Halloween Bash on October 29. Members had festive hats and many wore orange and black outfits.
The game was two best net balls with an orange ball rotating amongst the group. Any player could use the orange for the last two holes. The person with the orange ball counted as one of the best balls and a lost orange ball disqualified the team. This year five groups lost their orange ball.
The golf shop staff of Jacque Vigil, Wayne Weckerlin, Mark Heptig and Mark Langford judged the various masks and selected Agnes Shin with the Invisible Woman mask as the winner for the mask contest. Congratulations Agnes!
Results are as follows:
First place: Jayoung Lee, Agnes Shin, Joanne Kim and Daisy Soo Hoo with a score of 128, second place: Anna Kim, Aisoon Hong, Nancy Park and Janet Choi 139, third place: Lynda Pritchett, Luana Pearson, Nancy Groswird 141, fourth place: Teddi Swanson, Peggy Yamada, Robin Moreau and Linda Spiegelman 145.
Birdies were hit by: Garnet Shelly and Claudia Terry #2, Grace Nitta #6, Luana Pearson #10, Peggy Yamada and Agnes Shin #14, Jayoung Lee #2 and #13, Sophia Kim #16, Joanne Kim #17. Chip-ins were made by Garnet Shelly #1 and Toni Snyder #14.
The 18ers thank Jacque for organizing the groups, score tabulations and a special thanks to Denise Pratt, Tournament Chair and Stella Chan, Social Chair for decorating the check-in table with Halloween decorations and supplying goodies.