The RMGC celebrated the end to the 2017 Golf Season by acknowledging the 2017 Event Winners. The year-end meeting of the club included a brief business meeting where new directors Brent Atkins, Burke Ferrari, along with Pat Iacullo and Mike Kiefer who had been serving as appointees, were unanimously voted in by the club membership. A revision to the by-laws to provide a third class of membership to the RMGC was voted down by the membership.
Golden Rain CEO Tim O’Keefe then addressed the membership and went through a very professional presentation of all GRF’s accomplishments during 2017 and their priorities for future financial investments and expenditures and the means by which these priorities are determined.
Mark Heptig then gave a very well developed condensed over view of the Golf Courses challenges, successes during 2017 and plans for next year and the future as to improvements and maintenance.
Curtis Mitchell, RMGC’s Tournament Director then took the podium to present the winners of RMGC’s 2017 Major Events. Those events are designated as trophy events and they are the Stroke Play Championship, The Match Play Championship, The Director’s Cup, the Member/Member Tournament and the RMGC Invitational.

Curtis Mitchell, who last year swept the events, this year only won the Stroke Play Championship.
David Bosley, who has since moved to Green Valley, was the winner of the Match Play Championship. David was unable to attend the awards dinner and his golfing prowess will be missed by the club.

Kerry Smith, won the Director’s Cup. When he won, he told of how a week before the tournament he was ready to quit golf. However, a lesson with Mark Heptig gave him confidence to not only enter the tournament, but to win it!!!

Bruce McDougall and Jack Phillips combined to win the overall in the Member/Member and get their names on the perpetual Member/Member Trophy.

Jim Pingatore and his son Matt won the low gross in the RMGC Invitational and thereby have their names place on the Invitational perpetual trophy. Matt was not able to make the Awards dinner and Jim accepted the trophy on their behalf.

Darrell Webb was recognized for winning his flight in three of those events, (he did not play in the Stroke Play Championship which is played from the Blue Tees and played at scratch (no handicap), the Director’s Cup is the handicap part of this event. Darrell won his Flight in the Director’s Cup, in the Match Play and in the Member/Member teamed with Jim McCann who also won his flight in the Match Play. Darrell’s consistency in winning his flight in each of the three events is considered a monumental accomplishment and coupled with his overcoming some difficult events in his life this year is extremely noteworthy. Great job Darrell!!
Other event flight winners were: Director’s Cup – Chuck Leong, Pang Man and Dick Hurley along with the fore mentioned Darrell Web. Match Play – Won Woo, Bill Herrick and Dick Hurley (for his second winning of his flight in a major event) along with fore mentioned Darrell Webb and Jim McCann (2 wins). Member/Member – Jack Meng/Brent Atkins along with James Soohoo and Seong Hong and of course Darrell Webb/Jim McCann.
Curtis Mitchell also made a strong acknowledgement of Bruce Mulanax’s contribution to the success of all the 2017 RMGC events. Bruce, who is the assistant Pro to Mark Heptig was responsible for setting up pairings, figuring handicaps, which in several of our team events had small decimal places separating winning and losing) and doing all those behind the scenes things that led to the Club’s 2017 success. Thanks Brent for all your hard work and dedication.
The membership enjoyed its normal camaraderie in the pre-dinner social hour with accompanying beverages. It is always great to see everyone getting together and rehashing memories, the good, the bad and the ugly the club has had during 2017.
The dinner pre-Thanksgiving dinner provided by Stan Gideon and his crew was enjoyed by all. The event was declared a resounding success by out-going President Chuck Leong as he passed the gavel to incoming President Fred Sun. We look forward to another successful year of fun and competitive golfing events and the continued camaraderie of our membership in 2018 under Fred Sun’s leadership.