Rossmoor Loses NCGA Match Play Season Opener

Rossmoor Golf Club’s first NCGA Match Play event was on the road at Green Valley Country Club in Fairfield. To their advantage, Green Valley strategically placed our seniors on the longer Black and Black/Blue tees. Longer tees and an unfamiliar golf course led to a 29-7 point loss to Green Valley. Leading our team was Rossmoor Club Pro Brent Mulanax with 3 points. A two-person team win (2 pts.) with Brent Atkins and a tie (1 pt.) in his singles match. Other winners include Bill Ikard winning 3&2 in his singles match and Greg Gould, coming from 4 down, to win his singles match ‘2 Up’.

Rossmoor stays on the road and moves on to play a match on June 23 at the Moraga Country Club.

Barry Savnik, Team Captain