Run date November 19, 2014 Submitted by Alice Sprague
Alice Sprague
Club Correspondent

On Thursday, November 6, this year’s four charm day winners competed for the actual charm in the Rossmoor Women’s 18 Hole Golf Club Charm Day Playoff. The winner of the yearly silver charm was Aileen Choi. The charm will be presented at the Holiday Party on December 4th.

In addition, there was a four-flight competition and the results are as follows:
lst Flt: Low Gross – Grace Nitta; lst low net – Betty Cuniberti; 2nd low net – Jean Carroll
2nd Flt: Low Gross – Soonee Kim; 1st low net – Juna Lee; 2nd low net – Pat Taylor
3rd Flt. Low Gross – Mitzi Weinberg; 1st low net – Teddi Swanson; 2nd low net -Marilyn Treppa
4th Flt. Low Gross – Shin Kim; 1st low net – Nancy Ringelstein; 2nd low net – Gisela Hendrickson

Claudia Terry had 3 birdies on holes 7, 13 and l6 Sil Jung had a birdie on hole 2, Jean Carroll had a birdie on hole 1 and Aileen Choi had a birdie on hole 18.

The chip-in results were as follows: Mitzi Weinberg chipped-in on hole 17, Sil Jung on hole 2, Diane Matoney on holes 8 and 18,Gisela Hendrickson on hole 3, Jean Carroll on hole 1, and Aileen Choi on hole 18.
The 18ers are hoping for another perfect fall day for next week’s annual Turkey Shoot.

Golf club members are urged to sign up for the Holiday Luncheon which will be held on December 4, 2014. The cost is $13 per person and checks are payable to the Rossmoor Women’s 18ers. Each table seats 8 people and those who wish to sit together must put their checks in the same envelope. There will be a choice of baked stuffed chicken or spinach and cheese ravioli. Sign-up envelopes are available at the 18ers desk in the golf pro shop. The deadline to reserve your place is Saturday, November 22nd.

The 2015 dues are now due. Renewal forms have been emailed to members and are also available on the18ers desk in the pro shop or can be downloaded from the 18ers website. Please place your renewal form with your check in an envelope addressed to Membership and place it in the l8ers drawer or mail it to Nancy Ringelstein, 3474 Tice Creek Dr., #2, Walnut Creek 94595. If you want your name in the 2015 membership directory the deadline for receipt of dues is November 15, 2014.