Rossmoor Women’s 18-Hole Golf Club is a member of the Northern California Golf Association (NCGA).  To support and promote the game of golf, NCGA administers course ratings, maintains members’ NCGA Handicap Indexes, and teaches the Rules of Golf.

It is the goal of the Rossmoor Women’s 18-Hole Golf Club to promote good fellowship among its members and to foster and further the game of golf.



Joining the Rossmoor 18ers is a great way to meet new friends and enhance your golf skills. Membership is open to all women Rossmoor residents and Sponsored Guest members.  Our tournament play days are on Thursday mornings from March through November.

                                          WOMEN’S 18 HOLE GOLF CLUB 2025
Captain Mirna Wong
Co-Captain Lee Shaffer
Secretary Joel Jackson
Treasurer Andrea Alpine
Board Committee Chairs  
Tournaments Cindy Sonstelie, Judy Moran
Membership Karyl Toms
Handicap Daisy Soo Hoo
Rules Joyce McCann
Golf Advisory Robin Moreau
Social Pat McSween
EB and Diablo Valley Team Play Karla Witte / Pat McSween
Technical Committee MaryJean Kidd, Laura Kim, Claudia Terry
Publicity Liz James
Past Captain Toni Snyder