Club Champion – Joyce McCann
Handicap Champion – Olivia Hsueh.
Charm Winner – Pat Deisem
WGANC Net Awards pin winners:
1st flight – Agnes Shin – 211 points,
2nd flight -Nancy Park – 215 points,
3rd flight – Pil Choo – 209 points,
4th flight – Teddi Swanson – 223 points.
Chip-in winners:
1st place – Claudia Terry – 6 chip-ins
2nd place tie: Nancy Groswird & Margo Dutton – 3 chip-ins each
Low Gross – Claudia Terry – 73
Low Net – Teddi Swanson – 58
Eclectic 1st Flight Low Gross – Theresa Kim – 79
1st place Low Net – Olivia Hsueh – 60
2nd place Low Net – Chong Harney – 62
3rd place Low Net – Janice Davis – 64
4th place Low Net – Sue Yoon – 64
Eclectic 2nd Flight Low Gross – Joan Baggett – 83
1st place Low Net – Pat Diesem – 63
2nd place Low Net – Daisy Soo Hoo – 65
3rd place Low Net – Nancy Groswird – 65
4th place Low Net – Pat Taylor – 67
Eclectic 3rd Flight Low Gross – Kay Doyle – 91
1st place Low Net – Jacky Dunn – 62
2nd place Low Net – Marcia Belcher – 63
3rd place Low Net – Judy Fletcher – 67
4th place Low Net – Denise Pratt – 68
MOST IMPROVED PLAYER – Joyce McCann who went from a 14 to a 10 between November 1, 2016, and October 31, 2016. Congratulations, Joyce!

Joyce McCann
Club Champion

Olivia Hsueh
Handicap Champion

Pat Deisem
Charm Winner

Joyce McCann
Most Improved Player
By Daisy Soo Hoo
The 18ers played the final round of the annual Classic Tournament last Thursday, October 5. The golfers paired up with partners and played twosome net best ball in two rounds of 18 holes each. The best balls of partners for both rounds were added for the final tournament score.
The field consisted of three flights. Players gathered at Creekside Clubhouse after play for lunch and were welcomed by Classic Tournament Chair Joan Baggett and Captain Teddi Swanson.
Chris Andres did the scoring and announced the winners.
The best score of all three flights were Teddi Swanson and Pat Deisem with a two-day net score of 124.
Below are flight winners:
Flight 1
First: Daisy Soo Hoo, Peggy Yamada, 127; Second: Sue Yoon, Joanne Kim, 129; Third: Margo Dutton, Lynda Pritchett, 131
Flight 2
First: Teddi Swanson, Pat Deisem, 124; Second: Robin Moreau, Bari Mantel, 128; Third: Jane Lee, Shin Kim, 130
Flight 3
First: Garnet Shelly, Linda Scheffer, 127, Second: Margaret Mobberley, Joan Calder, 135; Third: Denise Pratt, Myra Belfiore, 136
Birdies on the 1st day of the tournament were shot by Joanne Brennan #10, Nancy Grosward #13, Agnes Shin #14.
Second day birdies were shot by Pat Deisem #2 and Peggy Yamada #14.
There was one solo chip-in on day one shot by Margo Dutton. Second day chip-ins shot by Myra Belfiore and Pat Deisem #2,
Linda Scheffer #3, Sue Yoon #15, Joan Baggett #18.
Special thanks to Chris for his assistance and Joan Baggett and her committee for organizing the event.

Winner Teddi Swanson
(not pictured, Pat Deisem)
Peggy Yamada, Daisy Soo Hoo, Bari Mantel, Robin Moreau, Garnet Shelly, Linda Scheffer
Jane Lee, Shin Kim, Mo Mobberley, Joan Calder
Pil Choo, Lynda Pritchett, Margo Dutton

Joyce McCann is the 2017 18er Women’s Golf Club Champion (by Teddi Swanson)
Joyce McCann won the 2017 Club Championship with consistent excellent play. McCann’s name will be placed on the perpetual Championship trophy honoring Rossmoor Champions over the years. This is the most demanding format for the 18er ladies in the golf year. This tournament is fifty-four holes played for low gross score over three days. Joyce had a low gross score of 253. Janice Davis was the runner up in the championship flight with a low gross score of 264.
There were two net score winners in the Championship flight with Agnes Shin having a total of 212 and Olivia Hsueh with a 222 net score.
Besides the Championship Flight there were two more flights:
First Flight winners were :Joanne Kim winning low gross with a 278 along with Peggy Yamada and Jane Lee winning with Low Net scores of 212 and 214 respectively.
Second flight winners were Teddi Swanson winning low gross with a score of 314 and Joanne Brennan low net winner with a 228.
Following golf the ladies gathered in the Creekside Club Room for lunch, presentation of the Champion Trophy and a meeting. Many thanks go to Peggy Yamada, Tournament Chair and Mark Heptig and Chris Andres, Pro Shop, for all their planning and efforts. Finally congratulations to all the ladies for their participation in this three day event.



Thursday, August 3 the 18er ladies played in their annual Blue and White Tournament. Players are matched up by the golf shop with ladies having similar handicaps. They are then put on either a Blue or White team. This year’s winners were the Blue team and for that honor the White team paid for their hot dog lunch. Cletia Bowron and her committee of Vanida Nalamlieng provided a fun day of golf and lunch afterward. Special thanks also go to John Bowron and Gordon VanVlett who Barbequed the hot dogs. Once again congratulations to Cletia and her committee for a wonderful picnic.

Cletia Bowron & Vanida Nalamlieng
Blue & White Committee Extraordinaire
2017 HANDICAP TOURNAMENT – MAY 18, 23 & 25