by Teddi Swanson – Club Correspondent

The April 13 golf game paired new members with the current members for Thursday’s match.  48 women participated in the two best balls of the foursome match. Due to the aerification of the putting greens the match had a two-putt maximum.  There were two flights with the winners in positions 1 and 2 earning the prizes. In the first flight, the winnings in first place went to Andrea Alpine, Sophia Kim, Theresa Kim and Joyce McCann, and second place went to Joanne Kim, Pat McSween, Joan Munn and Claudia Terry.

In the second flight, first place winners were Joan Baggett, Jenny Kim, Xuemei Reinhart and Kazu Takesaka, and second place winners were Pat Johnson, Sarah Ko, Bari Mantel and Lana Yagle.  Congratulations to those women and all the women who participated in this match.

The following women had birdies: Joan Munn on 13, Claudia Terry on 10, Lynda Pritchett on 10 and Toni Snyder on 2.  A chip-in was made by Marlene Seffern on hole 11.

The next tournament will be the 18ers Luck of the Draw on April 20.