by Janice Davis – Publicity Chair

St Patrick’s Day and all the wearing of the green was fun fodder for the Women’s 18ers as they played yet another fun event called Luck of the Draw. Competing in four person teams, players found out whose score would count only after they got to the green, resulting in groans of agony or whoops of joy.

Of the fifty-six players, two women had chip-ins; Char Gonzales had one on hole 2 and Del Power had one on hole 6.

Birdies were accomplished by Linda Ingalls on hole 2, Char Gonzales on hole 2 and Nancy Park on hole 6.

Winners for the day are as follows.

First flight, first place: Sue Yoon, Sophia Kim, Grace Nitta and Joanne Kim.

First flight, second place: Agnes Shin, Jenny Kim, Theresa Kim and Mae Marcotte.

Second flight, first place: Jane Lee, Nancy Park, June Lee and Aisoon Hong.

Second flight, second place: Del Poirer, Gail Ramirez, MaryAnn Higgins and Ann Hamilton.

Third flight, first place: Betty Cuniberti, Jean Carroll, Myra Belfiore and Char Gonzales.

Third flight, second place: Stella Chan, Esta Podberesky, Peggy Yamada and Garnet Shelly.

Congratulations to all of the winners.