Rossmoor Men's Golf Club

2024/Current RMGC Information and Golf Genius Announcments.


LOOKING TO THE FUTURE When you read this article, RMGC will have completed 2 tournaments. We sincerely hope that you enjoyed the competition and getting together. Your Board of Directors work diligently to put on good programs and Covid-19 has given us additional...


RMGC AMBASSADORS AND FRANK QUALLEN Beginning about 10 years ago, at the urging of one of our longtime RMGC member, Frank Quallen, several of our club members would rise early and go directly to the Pro Shop. There, carts were lined up for tournaments that always...


POST MORTUM ON THE PANDEMIC SCRAMBLE Well, I don’t mean to be morbid as everyone who played in the Pandemic Scramble had a great time and I thought that the title of the article was funny. There were 115 guys registered and played in the tournament. The nice thing was...

2 Man Best Ball Tournament

RMGC 2 BB NET GOLF TOURNAMENT On Wednesday July 1 the Rossmoor Men’s Golf Club completed a four-man, 2 best ball net- tournament. Each person played their own ball and the 2 best balls per foursome were included in the final score based on each individual’s handicap....

Lost and Missing Tournament

Members, The Tournament Committee announces the next event for the Members. See the enclosed tournament poster(s) for details. Two (2) new items for this tournament: 1) Creekside Players may now select their Tee of choice (vs the old 'must play the Gold's) 2) New...

Home and Away Status

Members, Burke & Ed, our Home & Away Directors, sent out the words below for status to the Board and Members. Darn !!! "Unfortunately, our HOME and AWAY tournaments this year have LOST OUT to the Coronavirus and, except for one AWAY tournament, they have all...

4 man Shamble

Members, The Board announces the continuation of Tournament golf. On Wednesday, July 15th we will hold a 4-Man Shamble Tournament. This is a new format for RMGC, something different for a change! 1. Each player hits their drive - take the Best Drive of the four (4) 2....

NCGA 12 man withdrawn

Members, Rossmoor has withdrawn from the 2020 Team Match Play season. The decision was made after the last re-shuffle of clubs assigned to our POD. However, the overall difficulties Tom & I encountered were eventually too hard to overcome to justify continuing...

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