Rossmoor Men's Golf Club

2024/Current RMGC Information and Golf Genius Announcments.


LOOKING TO THE FUTURE When you read this article, RMGC will have completed 2 tournaments. We sincerely hope that you enjoyed the competition and getting together. Your Board of Directors work diligently to put on good programs and Covid-19 has given us additional...

4 man BB

Members, The Board announces the continuation of Tournament golf. On Wednesday, July 1st we will hold a 4-Man Better Ball Tournament. Times are different and so is how we will conduct this Tournament. All social distancing AND ProShop access rules will be enforced...

update 6/3 Starting up slowly.

Golfers, I want to fill you in on the changes coming soon for the golf program and the implications of those changes. First, I want to thank all of you for letting us get back on our feet and staying within the county health protocols. As far as I know we are still...


Members, It has been a few weeks since we returned to enjoying OUR golf course. I thought I would pass on a few thoughts I've had since we've been able to return to our pastime. 1) I applaud the golfing community for the awesome response we've had in voicing our...

List of RMGC Members

Hi RMGC Members, Here is the list of RMGC Members as of today 5/14/2020. For privacy reasons, if you need an email address, please call the individual and get it from them. I hope everyone is healthy & enjoying the golf course under the new rules of play. Take...

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