by Janice Davis – Club Correspondent

Jean Carroll received a top award from NCGA for her participation in
WGANC Open Days. Jean has always been a big supporter of Open Days and this year it paid
off big. For every Open Day she participated in, she received points.
Over the year those points accumulated and at the end of the year she
was awarded a $50.00 Amazon Gift card.
Jean says she “highly recommends playing in Open Days as it’s been very
nice meeting new golf friends from all over and getting invited to play at
their courses”. Highlights include seeing the amazing views of Monterey
from Pasadera Country Club, the challenging Catta Verdera course, experiencing
the newly renovated Diablo Country Club and she even saw Juli
Inkster practicing on the green at her home course of Los Altos Country
Club. She said she “hopes to see more Rossmoor ladies out there next year
taking advantage of this great opportunity.”
Well done, Jean!