by Teddi Swanson – Club Correspondent

The most recent monthly on-course rules class was held on Monday, March 27th conducted by Joyce McCann the 18ers Rules Chair.  The class focuses on common rules situations likely to be encountered in almost every round of golf. This class provided hands-on experience in applying the rules of golf to these situations with an opportunity to ask questions.

The players met at the first tee on Dollar with Joyce McCann for their hour-long learning experience.  The ladies who joined Joyce on the 27th were Joanne Ribeiro, Mary Jane Kiefer, Sharon Panagotacos and Mirna Wong.  Mirna stated the class was fabulous and very informative.

The Rossmoor Women’s 18ers have an opportunity to participate on the last Monday of the month and need to sign up in Golf Genius to be able to participate. The class is limited to 6 so one needs to sign up as soon as the newest class is posted to reserve a space.