RMGC Secretary Pat Iacullo hosted the Past President’s Event for 2017 – and what a great job. There were 20 golf participants and one for just the heavy appetizers after. So 5 four man teams went off the Creekside course, which is in better shape than Dollar, in a shotgun at 2:30PM. The team of Jack Meng, Steve Roath, Mike Weisenberg and Pat “The Horse” Walsh took the prize with a net 58. Let it be known that the three other team members took turns riding, watering and rubbing down “The Horse.” Dick Walsh, playing from the Gold tees with an adjusted handicap of 8 – promptly toured Creekside with a neat gross 38 – great golf Dick. He ended up tied with Curtis Mitchell for low gross and graciously allowed Curtis that prize as Dick took the low net with stunning 6 under 30.
What followed was some great stories – incredible camaraderie and RMGC history from those who made it.
Dick “The Horse” Walsh takes it all in with an Irish smile like he just won the Irish sweepstakes – which in this event he did – wearing the Irish green with pride!!!
Curtis Mitchell has a good natured laugh – as “the Horse” gives up the gross award for which they tied and accepts the low net. There were some unprintable remarks flowing around that exchange – all in good humor!!
Current RMGC President Chuck Leong (L) and 1996 President Stan Stevens sit together covering the most historical president present and the current one. So much has happened as RMGC has evolved from then to now.
My apologies to Pat Kelly who somehow I lost his picture – he was president of the RMGC in 2004 and reminded us of the time that golfers were not held in very high esteem in Rossmoor and many considered the golfers to be costing them money for their coupon which they got no benefit.
Bill Herrick (our by-laws expert and historian) seated on the (R) was past president in 2007 – one the (L) is 2015 past president Dickie Nitta
Don Terry Past President 2010 makes a point.
John McDonnell (R) past president 2012 tells a story as Chuck Moran (L) past president 2013 takes notes on his phone so he won’t forget the punch line!!
Steve Roath past president 2014 gets a laugh out of one of the many historical stories.
Pat Iacullo did a great job in putting this event together – thanks Pat. We all went home richer and more knowledgeable after being able to chat with those that have herded the cats from 1996 to present – so when you see these guys on or around the course tell them thank you – we wouldn’t be the organization we are today without their service.