On Wednesday, May 23, sixty-four golfers teed it up in a two-man scramble format. They played in teams of two, requiring 6 drives or tee shots from each of the players. They were divided into 3 flights on Dollar Ranch and the Creekside flight playing just 9 nine holes. The flights were determined by total handicap of the two players and adjusted for the scramble format. The handicap system makes for close competition within the flights as demonstrated by the scores.

Flight 1 and 2 Winning teams from the left. Flight 1 winner: Marc Raynor and Dante Marchetti; Flight 2 winner: John Newman and Karl Stinson

Creekside Flight winner: Rene Herrerias and Doug Amsden; Flight 3 winner:
Peter Kim and Steve Roath
Flight 1 – 1st Place: Marc Raynor and Dante Marchetti (62.95); 2nd: James Soohoo and Stephen Chong (63.35); 3rd: Bart Moore and Dan Gonzalez (65.05); 4th : Jack Meng and Rod Lee (66); 5th: Rich Scheffer and Fred Sun (66.70); 6th: Mike Oakey and Mel Simpson (67)
Flight 2 – 1st: John Newman and Karl Stinson (64.40); 2nd: Tim Christoffersen and Edwin Lowe (65.85); 3rd: Stephen Blotzer and Dick Hurley (66.80); 4th: Ed Odea and Colin Ferrett (67.10); 5th: Dallas Amos and Pat Kelly (67.25); 6th: Edwin Kung and Pang Man (68.25)
Flight 3 – 1st: Peter Kim and Steve Roath (65.80); 2nd: Larry Jensen and Gaylord Thome (67.10); 3rd: Don Loustalet and Bruce Hicks (67.25); 4th: Thoms Stinson and Stan Orlik (68); 5th: Dick Walsh and James Graham (69); 6th: David Scott and Frank Quallen (70.20)
Creekside – 1st: Rene Herrerias and Doug Amsden (35.05)
Though the weather was overcast, the winds swirling and the greens proving tricky some good scores still were posted. The competition within the flights was very close. Stan Giddeon and his staff provided some great fried chicken for lunch along with delicious sides and ice cream for desert. The RMGC, as always wishes, to thank Mark Heptig for doing the scoring and pairings. He also did an excellent job in announcing the winners.