Run date January 21, 2015 Submitted by Alice Sprague Alice Sprague
Club Correspondent

The Women’s 18 Holers will kick off its 2015 season with a Launch Party on Thursday, February 12th. All members are invited to the Launch the 2015 Season Event at 11am at the Event Center. The launch party is designed to inform all members of the events and opportunities for the upcoming year.

In addition to a luncheon catered by Morucci’s Deli, there will be tables set-up with information to members about various golf groups and functions.

One table will have information about the regular Thursday tournaments for the year, including a schedule for all the special tournaments, such as the Invitational, Classic, Handicap, Championship, etc and including the Guest Days.

Another table will provide information about team play (competition with other women’s private golf clubs in the area), for both the East Bay and Diablo leagues, including schedules, qualifications, uniforms, etc. The club needs players at all handicap levels so members should check this out if they would like to meet players from other private golf courses in the area.

There will also be information about Open Days. This is a season-long opportunity to play at many private golf courses in northern California and is sponsored by the WGANC (Women’s Golf Association of Northern California). Its website,, has valuable information for all golfers. There is also information and instruction on this website as well as on

There will also be a membership table with a sign-up sheet available for continuing members to play with new members who join in 2015.

Be prepared to sign up for the birdie board ($3) and eclectic tournament ($4). For the birdie board, all birdies (and eagles) scored by members are added up and prizes awarded at the end of the season.
An eclectic tournament is a continuing competition in which the goal is to improve the member’s score on each hole so that the final scorecard turned in is lower, adjusted for handicap, than the other competitors’ scorecards. The name comes from the Hreek eklektikos, to select from various sources and is a uniquely women’s golf club event.

The launch event gives old and new members a chance to meet and mingle. There is a charge for lunch of $5 and reservations are required. Please place an envelope labeled “Launch Party” with $5 and your name enclosed in the 18er’s drawer in the pro shop by February 8th.