by Laura Kim | Jun 1, 2021 | Rules Corner |
RULE OF THE MONTH FOR JUNE 2021. Written by Joyce McCann, 18ers Rules Chair. If you can’t find your ball, what are your options? The most common situation is that you slice or hook your shot, and it heads toward the rough, or worse. You search for 3 minutes, but...
by MaryJean Kidd | May 27, 2021 | Womens 18 - News Archive 2021 |
by Margo Dutton – Club Correspondent Forty-eight Rossmoor 18er’s participated in the ABCD (4 person team) High – Low tournament on May 27, 2021. The tournament format had each team record the low net score and high net score for each hole. Team total of the two...
by Laura Kim | May 6, 2021 | Womens 18 - News Archive 2021 |
On May 6, 2021 the Rossmoor 18ers Golf Club hosted the annual charity scramble golf tournament benefiting the Monument Crisis Center on the Dollar Course. Thank you to all the Rossmoor golfers and friends who contributed to the raffle prize to help support the event....
by MaryJean Kidd | Apr 29, 2021 | Womens 18 - News Archive 2021 |
by Margo Dutton – Club Correspondent Forty-eight Rossmoor 18ers played the second Charm and Eclectic event on April 29. Margaret Hamilton scored the low net for the field and wins the second lucky charm girl event. Hamilton will be eligible to compete in the...
by MaryJean Kidd | Apr 22, 2021 | Womens 18 - News Archive 2021 |
by Margo Dutton – Club Correspondent Congratulations to all members playing in the difficult weather and course conditions on Thursday, April 22nd. The Nassau event was an individual net event with enough players for four flights. There was a winner for front...
by MaryJean Kidd | Apr 15, 2021 | Womens 18 - News Archive 2021 |
by Margo Dutton – Club Correspondent The 52 club members were divided into four flights. Before teeing off, playing partners decided who will play the odd holes and the even holes for scoring purposes. Each player recorded their gross score for all 18 holes and...