Rossmoor Men’s Golf Club

On July 26, 2023, the Rossmoor Men’s Golf Club held a four-man scramble on both the Dollar Ranch and Creekside Golf Courses. The winners were as follows:
On the Dollar Ranch Golf Course in Flight # 2 the winners (pictured below from left to right) were Dan Ring, Dan Moy, Mike Miracle and Joe Hahner with a net score of 57 or 15 under par.
On the Dollar Ranch Golf Course in Flight #1 the winners (pictured below from left to right) were Bruce Hicks, Greg Campbell, and Bob Pace with a net score of 53 or an amazing 19 under par.
On the Creekside Golf Course with a net score of 26 or 10 under par were Fran Mullins, John Kent and Elliott Tertes.(Not pictured)
After the round of golf on the Dollar Ranch Golf Course, lunch was held on the Dollar Patio. The weather, golf and lunch made for a perfect day.